BBA Sports Center
Karl D. Dooling
To make this news production I need to get huddle so I went to go talk to coach Thomas. I learned how to do many things Youtube, voce over, green screen, Huddle and music. I worked together with many people in my class. One of the best ways to learn is doing things over and over agin. I liked doing it all. sometimes it is difficult but when I have so munch help it is easy.
This week for my sports highlights I remembered how to do a lot of of things but I had to ask Alison how to copy the intro and the ending of my footage. I watched the football footage and went to talked to coach Thomas to ask about players and the yardage that they ran in the game I watch a video on how to use the Tazam.We had a difficult time finding it in the room. I also got some help by ben swinerton on how to use the blade tool.