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American Idol 


Law and order

Karl Dooling

December15, 2017



Episode: The case of who is Santa.


Setting sound stage with undercover cop. The door is on side .

A Santa come s in with a duffle bag. And goes into the bathroom. Music of theme song. opens the scene


Kd is undercover cop is in black. He is hiding in the shadows . He is testing fingerprints on everything. Doors windows, handles. He has a little brush and a blue light to see fingerprints. 


Setting change to head quarters :

He goes back to a criminal room. And he matches the fingerprint in the FBI data base. 

So he find Santa's finger prints and brings Santa in for questioning. 


Setting change:  officer Kd walking down street with Santa in handcuffs.


Set change interrogation room:

You can't see Santa so the kids don't actually know what he is doing there.Officer Kd is questioning him:


Officer Karl Dooling: Where were you on night of December 25, 2017?



Santa: I was doing some errands.


Officer Kd. Where were you doing your errands ?


Santa: I was all over the place? 


Office Kd :(Was getting angry and was in his face. And said) Where were you exactly?



Santa:  I was at Jimmie house at 9:00 I

             I was at  Kim's house at 9:15

             I was at Chris's House at 9:30


Officer Karl Dooling: Back up What where were you doing at these houses?



Santa : Well I won't tell because it is a secret!


Officer Karl :  Now listen you, this is your life were talking about.

I need you to tell me the truth. What were you actually doing on  Christmas Eve.

Santa:  well I hade packages to drop off at their house.


Officer Karl (stands up and leans over the desk). Don't give me that bull!we have this video of your arrest.

Santa: That wasn't me


In the court room you don't see him till he is in his red suit. And in the very end they find him guilty and in the end you slowly see him. Instead of going to go to jail they say you have 2 options. 1 to reveal himself and 2 to go to jail .

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